With sociologist Shamus Khan at Columbia's Klingenstein Center
5:30 PM17:30

With sociologist Shamus Khan at Columbia's Klingenstein Center

Shamus Khan, chair of the sociology department at Columbia University, is one of the best thinkers alive about elites, and also a close friend from high school. I am absolutely thrilled to be talking with him at the Klingenstein Center, Columbia’s school for independent school educators. We’ll be talking about boarding school, squash, and books, but also specifically about the creation of whiteness at elite institutions, and what it means for people of color and white people to try to live up to those ideals.

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Slice Literary Festival Panel - Productivity vs. Chaos
4:30 PM16:30

Slice Literary Festival Panel - Productivity vs. Chaos

I’m so excited to appear with the fantastic authors Krystal Sital, Gina Apostol, Briallen Hopper, and De’Shawn Winslow. Description from the festival:

“For many writers, one of the greatest challenges is finding the time to write, and then, after finally sitting down to work, being able to focus on the task at hand—and it isn’t just a matter of shutting off the internet connection (though that can help!). They have to navigate pressure from day jobs, family, society, and more, in order to find a way to sustain their writing careers. A group of authors discusses the trials and tribulations of the writing life, and how they’ve managed to make it work.”

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